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About the ASFA

The objective of the Alaska State Firefighters Association is to serve our members through professionalism and leadership thereby enhancing the Fire/Rescue/EMS services of Alaska. Our association represents 1100 firefighters throughout Alaska.

One of the benefits we offer is a death and dismemberment insurance that the organization pays for its membership. As a 501(c)3 charitable organization, we try to support our firefighters and offer assistance when needed.  

Along with the Alaska Fire Chiefs Association and State of Alaska Training and Education Bureau, we sponsor an annual training conference hosted by chapters throughout the state. We hope by sponsoring quality training that the firefighters, rescuers, and emergency medical workers attending, in turn, take this education back to their organizations and share knowledge and skills. The conference also promotes camaraderie with family and fun events. The attendees also have the opportunity to look at new gear and products offered by vendors. All are welcome to attend our events.

For more information, please contact:

President Bryan Vincent

Alaska State Firefighters Association





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Merchandise For Sale

Please browse our ASFA merchandise.